Tag: hotels
IA en hotel tech: mucho ruido y pocas nueces
En casi todos los webinars en los que participé desde el año pasado, e incluso en un par de ponencias del reciente TechnoHotel Forum de Barcelona, no faltó quien trajera a colación el argumento de la inteligencia artificial en contexto hotelero. Todos utilizaron además el ejemplo del sistema de recomendación de Netflix como claro ejemplo…
Unlocking Hotel Industry Potential: Data Standards and Open APIs
Picture this: you’re planning a dream vacation, browsing through countless hotel options online. You stumble upon a hotel that seems perfect—great reviews, stunning photos, and an unbeatable price. But wait, how can you be sure that the information you see is accurate and up to date? In the wild world of the accommodation industry, data…
AI in Hotel Tech: Much Ado About Nothing
In almost every webinar I’ve attended since last year, and even in a couple of presentations at the recent TechnoHotel Forum in Barcelona, there was always someone bringing up the argument of artificial intelligence in the hotel context. They all used the example of Netflix’s recommendation system as a clear and “applicable” example (how they…
¿Aún gestionas tu negocio turístico con Excel?
Imagino que tampoco te puedes deshacer del télex y del Palm Pilot…
Obtén rentabilidad de tus datos
Si la tuya es una empresa que se ocupa de viajeros, a menos que tengas una o dos reservas por semana -en tal caso estás atendiendo a super ricos, o a punto de cerrar- posees datos suficientes para convertirlos en ganancias. Todo el mundo asume ya que eso es un hecho; si no lo hiciste…
The three limitations of data profitability
As a business dealing with travelers, unless you have one or two bookings per week -in which case you’re catering for the filthy rich, or about to close shop- you own plenty of data to get a profit from. Everybody assumes by now that’s a fact; if you didn’t so far, you’d better ASAP. “It’s…
Un proyecto de BI necesita ESTO para funcionar…
Las grandes corporaciones descubrieron hace muchos años que el outsourcing es una apuesta ganadora. Un hecho comprobado, amplificado cuando se trata de desarrollo de software. El universo de TI es tan vasto, que no tiene sentido económico intentar desarrollar internamente todas las soluciones que se puedan necesita. Además, “intrapreneurship” e “innovación” son palabras muy de…
BI Travel projects need THIS to be profitable
Large corporations discovered many years ago that outsourcing is a winning bet. A proven fact, magnified when it comes to software development. The IT universe is so vast, that it makes no economical sense to try and develop in-house all the possible solutions needed. Besides, “intrapreneurship” and “innovation” are top buzzwords these days, but the…
3 razones por las que el Business Intelligence es vital en el Turismo
Tuve el placer y el honor de trabajar junto al Sr. Ioannis Hatziliamis, el legendario fundador de Rodos Tours, uno de los receptivos más antiguos de la isla de Rodas. Las conversaciones con él tenían más valor que todo un curso académico, créanme. El suyo fue uno de los DMCs mejor organizados y administrados que…
The 3 reasons why BI saves Travel Companies
I had the pleasure and honor to work alongside Mr. Ioannis Hatziliamis, the legendary founder of Rodos Tours, one of the oldest DMCs of Colossus’s Island. Five minutes conversations with him had more value than a whole academic course, believe me. His was one of the better organized and managed incoming operators I have ever…
Como usar I.A. para predecir ventas y demanda
En un artículo anterior sobre análisis predictivo >> que solo mi abuela y un par de amigos cercanos leyeron, afirmé que ese procedimiento puede convertir datos en dinero. Hoy les traigo un caso de estudio práctico para demostrar que no exageraba en mi afirmación. Bueno, a decir verdad no debería estar demostrando nada, ya que…
Using AI to forecast sales and demand
In a previous article about predictive analytics >> that only a couple of close friends read, I stated that such procedure can actually convert data into money. This time, I bring a practical study case to demonstrate that I was not overstating. Well, I shouldn’t be demonstrating anything, as anybody working in airlines and large hotel…
Convert predictive analytics into money
In late 1997 I was helping some Egyptian DMC streamline operations, when terrorists stroked at Deir el-Bahri, the heartbreaking Luxor Massacre. About a year later, not one but two hurricanes (Mitch and George) broke havoc in the Caribbean, where I was operating my own DMC. In 2010 half the world’s travel flow was disrupted by…
Got a booking engine? Probably you’re losing money
Humor me, can’t avoid inserting a story… In early 2011, a wholesale operator requested me to perform an audit on their recently acquired reservations system. They paid top dollar to a prestigious software provider for it, but six months after implementation, total business volume from retailers was roughly the same as previously recorded figures. While…
Analogies between Customer Segmentation and finding sex partners
True story: sick and tired of failed relationships, I decided I had enough of the random encounter method (so called destiny) and opted for a matching algorithm instead. You see, I’m a scientist at heart, much more rational than emotional. So I collected all the information I deemed necessary from online and offline sources, such…
Are you still using Excel to run your travel business?
Can’t get rid of the telex and Palm Pilot, either? Ours is a fast-changing world, new technologies are spawn overnight and nobody can keep up with the daily information waterfall. But that’s no reason to restrain from adopting newer, more efficient and cost-effective tools. Spreadsheets are great for simple row/column numeric calculations, but when it…