Tag: predictive analytics
Como usar I.A. para predecir ventas y demanda
En un artículo anterior sobre análisis predictivo >> que solo mi abuela y un par de amigos cercanos leyeron, afirmé que ese procedimiento puede convertir datos en dinero. Hoy les traigo un caso de estudio práctico para demostrar que no exageraba en mi afirmación. Bueno, a decir verdad no debería estar demostrando nada, ya que…
Using AI to forecast sales and demand
In a previous article about predictive analytics >> that only a couple of close friends read, I stated that such procedure can actually convert data into money. This time, I bring a practical study case to demonstrate that I was not overstating. Well, I shouldn’t be demonstrating anything, as anybody working in airlines and large hotel…
Convert predictive analytics into money
In late 1997 I was helping some Egyptian DMC streamline operations, when terrorists stroked at Deir el-Bahri, the heartbreaking Luxor Massacre. About a year later, not one but two hurricanes (Mitch and George) broke havoc in the Caribbean, where I was operating my own DMC. In 2010 half the world’s travel flow was disrupted by…